Pengaruh Edukasi Peran Keluarga Terhadap Dukungan Keluarga Dalam Kemampuan Merawat Pasien Diabetes Melitus Pada Pasien Poliklinik Di Rs Hermina Depok Tahun 2023


  • Meidyana Bayaranie Universitas Indonesia Maju
  • Emi Yuliza Universitas Indonesia Maju
  • Irma Herliana Universitas Indonesia Maju



Diabetes Mellitus, Education, Family Role, Family Support


The prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) continues to increase globally and is projected to triple by 2030. Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a chronic disease that requires effective self-management, according to Perkani. The inability of families to understand and recognize their crucial role in caring for DM patients can have serious consequences on the patients' well-being. This study aims to determine the effect of family role education on family support in the ability to care for diabetes mellitus patients. The research design is a quantitative study adopting a Quasi-Experimental method with a Non-Randomized Without Control Group Pretest and Posttest Design approach. The population comprises diabetes patients using the outpatient services at Hermina Hospital Depok in May, with a purposive sampling technique involving 25 respondents. The results indicate that the distribution of family support before the education showed 76% in the unsupportive category, and after the education, it increased to 84%. The Paired Sample T-Test significance was 0.000, which is less than 0.05. Thus, this study shows that family role education has a significant effect on family support in the ability to care for diabetes mellitus patients.

Author Biographies

Meidyana Bayaranie, Universitas Indonesia Maju

Mahasiswa Program Studi Keperawatan

Emi Yuliza, Universitas Indonesia Maju

Dosen Program Studi Keperawatan

Irma Herliana, Universitas Indonesia Maju

Dosen Program Studi Keperawatan


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How to Cite

Bayaranie, M., Yuliza, E., & Herliana, I. (2024). Pengaruh Edukasi Peran Keluarga Terhadap Dukungan Keluarga Dalam Kemampuan Merawat Pasien Diabetes Melitus Pada Pasien Poliklinik Di Rs Hermina Depok Tahun 2023. Barongko: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan, 3(1), 74–92.