Nursing Care For Patients With Respiratory System Problems Of Pleural Effusion In The Bougenvile Room Andi Makassau Pare-Pare Hospital
Relationship, Clean and Healthy Living Behavior, Knowledge, Personal Hygiene, Students, Gowa, South SulawesiAbstract
Pleural effusion is the accumulation of fluid in the pleural space, a primary disease process is rare but usually occurs secondary to other diseases. Effusion can be a clear fluid, which may be a transudate, exudate or may be blood or pus. The purpose of the study is to carry out nursing care for clients experiencing pleural effusion at Andi Makkasau Pare-Pare Regional Hospital. The research method used is the case study research method, which is a study of humans (can be a group, organization or individual), events, backgrounds in depth, the purpose of the study is to obtain an in-depth picture of a case being studied, data collection is obtained from interviews, observations, and documentation. Based on the results of the assessment, the following nursing diagnoses can be formulated: Chest pain related to biological factors (especially tissue) and physical factors. Ineffective breathing patterns related to decreased lung expansion secondary to fluid accumulation in the pleural cavity.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Ria Wahyuni, Dwi Nur Aini, Mohammad Arifin Noor, Rosmini Rasimin, Juhelnita Bubun, Abdul Rivai Saleh Dunggio, Serly Sani Mahoklory

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