Literature Review: Methods for Prevention And Control Of Pulmonary Complications In Active Cycle Breathing


  • Zulfikar Peluw Poltekkes Kemenkes Maluku, Indonesia
  • Eka Sarofah Ningsih Lamongan Islamic University, Indonesia
  • Sethiana Dewi Ruben Poltekkes Kemenkes Jayapura, Indonesia
  • Anggi Aryadi STIKes Tujuh Belas Karanganyar, Indonesia
  • Rosdiana Tandiola Poltekkes Kemenkes Jayapura, Indonesia
  • Rasi Rahagia Surabaya Health and Business Institute, Indonesia



Prevention Methods, Control, Pulmonary Complications, Breathing, Active Cycle


The decrease in lung functional capacity will be followed by a decrease in the value of maximal inspiratory pressure and maximal expiratory pressure, both of these values indicate a significant decrease in respiratory muscle strength after the Coronary Artery Bypass Graft procedure, which can increase mortality rates and length of hospital stay. The purpose of this study was to repair blocked and narrowed arteries by cutting and replacing the blocked arteries from healthy vessels. The research method used the Patient method: Post ACBG; intervention: active cycle of breathing technique; comparison: other physiotherapy interventions; outcome: functional lung capacity. The results showed that active cycle of breathing technique and routine chest physiotherapy interventions had the same effect on reducing pain, this was evidenced by a p-value of 0.001 which means that active cycle of breathing technique and routine chest physiotherapy showed a significant effect on reducing pain in post coronary artery bypass graft patients. The conclusion of this study is that Active Cycle of Breathing Technique exercises have been proven to improve the functional lung capacity of post coronary artery bypass graft patients.


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Author Biographies

Zulfikar Peluw, Poltekkes Kemenkes Maluku, Indonesia

Nursing Study Program

Eka Sarofah Ningsih, Lamongan Islamic University, Indonesia

Midwifery Study Program

Sethiana Dewi Ruben, Poltekkes Kemenkes Jayapura, Indonesia

Nursing Study Program

Anggi Aryadi, STIKes Tujuh Belas Karanganyar, Indonesia

Nursing Study Program

Rosdiana Tandiola, Poltekkes Kemenkes Jayapura, Indonesia

Nursing Study Program

Rasi Rahagia, Surabaya Health and Business Institute, Indonesia

Nursing Study Program


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How to Cite

Peluw, Z., Ningsih, E. S., Ruben, S. D., Aryadi, A., Tandiola, R., & Rahagia, R. (2024). Literature Review: Methods for Prevention And Control Of Pulmonary Complications In Active Cycle Breathing. International Journal of Health Sciences, 2(4), 1349–1358.