The Importance Of Knowledge Of Post Partum Mothers In Getting Optimal Breast Milk In Makassar City Maternity Hospital, South Sulawesi


  • Rika Asmirah Megarezky University Makassar, Indonesia
  • Nur Rahma Srifitayani Megarezky University Makassar, Indonesia
  • Mudrika Mudrika Yapika Health College Makassar, Indonesia
  • Herlina Herlina Megarezky University Makassar, Indonesia
  • Sri Rahma Haruna Megarezky University Makassar, Indonesia
  • Risna Yunita Asmin Islamic University of Makassar, Indonesia
  • Rohmi Rohmi Mambaul Ulum Health College, Surakarta, Indonesia



The Importance Of Knowledge, Post-Birth, Optimal Breast Milk, South Sulawesi Maternity Hospital


Oxytocin massage is also a solution to overcome irregular breast milk production. This massage is performed along the spine to stimulate the hormones prolactin and oxytocin after giving birth.  The purpose of this study was to determine the role, benefits and functions of the combination of breast care and oxytocin massage on breast milk production in postpartum mothers and to facilitate breast milk production. The research method was quasi-experimental, with a posttest-only control design. Using consecutive sampling techniques. Interventions were given from the first day to the third day postpartum, then observations were carried out. Data normality test using the Shapiro-Wilk test, data analysis using the independent t-test. The research results obtained a significance value with the average number of the combination group and the control group. The conclusion of this study is that the combination of breast care and oxytocin massage is effective in breast milk production in postpartum mothers. When massaging the spine, it can cause a neurogenic reflex that speeds up the work of the parasympathetic nerves to convey commands to the back of the brain. As a result of the stimulatory signal, the potential action process of oxytocin is released into the systemic blood from the posterior pituitary. In the bloodstream, oxytocin is delivered to the myoepithelial cells of the alveoli and uterus so that oxytocin will stimulate these cells which cause the alveolar sacs to be compressed and the ducts to shorten and widen.


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Author Biographies

Rika Asmirah, Megarezky University Makassar, Indonesia

Midwifery Study Program

Nur Rahma Srifitayani, Megarezky University Makassar, Indonesia

Nutrition Study Program

Mudrika Mudrika, Yapika Health College Makassar, Indonesia

Nursing Profession Study Program

Herlina Herlina, Megarezky University Makassar, Indonesia

Nursing Study Program

Sri Rahma Haruna, Megarezky University Makassar, Indonesia

Nursing Study Program

Risna Yunita Asmin, Islamic University of Makassar, Indonesia

Midwifery Study Program

Rohmi Rohmi, Mambaul Ulum Health College, Surakarta, Indonesia

Midwifery Study Program


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How to Cite

Asmirah, R., Srifitayani, N. R., Mudrika, M., Herlina, H., Haruna, S. R., Asmin, R. Y., & Rohmi, R. (2024). The Importance Of Knowledge Of Post Partum Mothers In Getting Optimal Breast Milk In Makassar City Maternity Hospital, South Sulawesi. International Journal of Health Sciences, 2(4), 1307–1317.