Description of Nurses' Knowledge and Experience In the Accuracy of Giving Triage Labels in the Emergency Room Tajuddin Khalid Hospital, City of Makassar


  • Viyan Septiyana Achmad Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Banten, Indonesia
  • Rosida Rosida RSUP DR. Tajuddin Chalid Makassar, Indonesia
  • Rezqiqah Aulia Rahmat Bosowa University Makassar, Indonesia
  • Baiq Nurainun Apriani STIKes Baitul Hikmah, Indonesia
  • M. Khalid Fredy Saputra STIKes Baitul Hikmah, Indonesia



Description, Knowledge, Experience, Nurse, Accuracy, Triage Labeling, Emergency Room at Tajuddin Khalid Hospital, Makassar City


Victims with an emergency condition are a condition that can be life threatening and the patient needs immediate help. If treatment is not provided quickly and appropriately, the patient will experience disability or death. The characteristics of emergency room patients are patients who experience an emergency in terms of disruption of the airway, respiratory function, circulatory function, brain function and consciousness and patients who suffer from sudden illness (rapid onset). This condition requires immediate help if treatment is not carried out immediately. causing increased pain in the victim. The aim of this study is to determine the description of nurses' knowledge and experience regarding the accuracy of giving triage labels in hospitals. This research method the type of research used in this research is analytical descriptive with a cross sectional approach. The population in this study were emergency room nurses at Tajuddin Chalid Hospital. The sampling technique used was total sampling. With a total sample size of 25 respondents. The research instrument uses questionnaire questions as an interview guide and observation sheet to collect all data which is analyzed using SPSS. The results of this study explain that the most common characteristics for age were 14 respondents and for gender there were 19 respondents. The results of the bivariate test using the Spearman correlation test were obtained (p=value) = 0.000, which is smaller than the value α=0.05. Conclusion Work experience does not always influence nurses' knowledge about the accuracy of giving triage labels in the Emergency Room. However, there is a relationship between nurses' knowledge about triage labels and nurses' actions based on triage labels at Tajuddin Chalid Hospital.


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Author Biographies

Viyan Septiyana Achmad, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Banten, Indonesia

Program Studies Nursing Profession

Rosida Rosida, RSUP DR. Tajuddin Chalid Makassar, Indonesia

Emergency Room Nurse Officer

Rezqiqah Aulia Rahmat, Bosowa University Makassar, Indonesia

Medical Study Programs

Baiq Nurainun Apriani, STIKes Baitul Hikmah, Indonesia

Hospital Administration Study Programs

M. Khalid Fredy Saputra, STIKes Baitul Hikmah, Indonesia

Nursing Study Programs


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How to Cite

Achmad, V. S., Rosida, R., Rahmat, R. A., Apriani, B. N., & Saputra, M. K. F. (2024). Description of Nurses’ Knowledge and Experience In the Accuracy of Giving Triage Labels in the Emergency Room Tajuddin Khalid Hospital, City of Makassar. International Journal of Health Sciences, 2(3), 872–882.