Pemeriksaan Kadar Glukosa, Asam Urat dan Kolesterol Universitas Pertahanan RI Di Muara Angke


  • Amin Ibrizatun Universitas Pertahanan, Indonesia
  • Prihati Pujowaskito Universitas Pertahanan, Indonesia
  • Markus Wibowo Universitas Pertahanan, Indonesia
  • Elisa Yochannan Universitas Pertahanan, Indonesia
  • Rahmat Pannyiwi Universitas Pertahanan, Indonesia
  • Pongki Sipahutar Universitas Pertahanan, Indonesia
  • Azmi Wijayanti Universitas Pertahanan, Indonesia



Examination, Glucose Levels, Uric Acid, Cholesterol, Muara Angke, Indonesian Defense University


The Ministry of Health stated that non-communicable diseases cause high mortality rates each year and can infect individuals of all ages and countries around the world. Non-communicable diseases include heart disease, diabetes mellitus and kidney disease. To overcome these health problems, preventive measures are needed that aim to improve the quality of life of the nation. This is stated in the Presidential Instruction which is one part of the meaning of Germas, namely routine health checks that are useful for facilitating early detection of diseases or health problems. The examinations carried out are divided into 2, namely examination of random blood sugar levels, uric acid, and cholesterol levels and EKG (Electrocardiography) examinations. The purpose of community service is to provide information on the results of examinations of random blood sugar levels, uric acid, and cholesterol levels by the PkM TEAM from Lecturers together with Cadets of the Indonesian Defense University for the people of Muare Angke in improving health. The method is by examining random blood sugar levels, uric acid and cholesterol. The results concluded that most respondents had normal blood sugar levels, uric acid levels, and cholesterol levels.


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Author Biographies

Amin Ibrizatun, Universitas Pertahanan, Indonesia

Fakultas Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan

Prihati Pujowaskito, Universitas Pertahanan, Indonesia

Fakultas Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan

Markus Wibowo, Universitas Pertahanan, Indonesia

Fakultas Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan

Elisa Yochannan, Universitas Pertahanan, Indonesia

Fakultas Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan

Rahmat Pannyiwi, Universitas Pertahanan, Indonesia

Fakultas Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan

Pongki Sipahutar, Universitas Pertahanan, Indonesia

Fakultas Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan

Azmi Wijayanti, Universitas Pertahanan, Indonesia

Fakultas Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan


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Sumber Buku:

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How to Cite

Ibrizatun, A., Pujowaskito, P., Wibowo, M., Yochannan, E., Pannyiwi, R., Sipahutar, P., & Wijayanti, A. (2024). Pemeriksaan Kadar Glukosa, Asam Urat dan Kolesterol Universitas Pertahanan RI Di Muara Angke. Sahabat Sosial: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2(4), 648–656.