Pendidikan Kesehatan dan Peningkatan Pengetahuan, Support Tentang Inspeksi Visual Asam Asetat Test Pada Komunitas Ibu Usia Reproduktif
Health Education, Increased Knowledge, Support for Visual Inspection of Acetic Acid Test, Community of Reproductive Age MothersAbstract
Cervical cancer is a disease characterized by uncontrolled cell growth and abnormal cell spread. The leading cause of death in women is Cervical Cancer. One way to prevent cervical cancer is by conducting a Visual Inspection Acetic Acid Test on the cervix, this is a government recommendation to reduce cancer cases. The purpose of this community service activity is to increase the knowledge and motivation of participants, namely reproductive-age mothers, about the Visual Inspection Acetic Acid Test. The form of community service activities is through health education. The target of the activity is reproductive-age mothers who visit the Manisa Health Center, Manisa Village. The implementation time is May 24, 2023. The media used is leaflets. The evaluation method is a pretest and posttest regarding participants' knowledge of the Visual Inspection Acetic Acid Test. The instrument for evaluation is a questionnaire distributed before and after the health education activity. Community service activities through health education that have been carried out have a positive impact on knowledge and motivation about the Visual Inspection Acetic Acid Test in reproductive-age mothers at the Manisa Health Center, Manisa Village. It is expected that participants can further increase their awareness and motivation to be able to carry out IVA examinations.
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